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The 2015 Paris Agreement asks countries to propose climate actions to take after 2020, from emission reduction measures, goals, and climate change impact adaptation. These are called the "Nationally Determined Contributions" (NDC), and are to be updated and resubmitted every five years. Taiwan's "Intended Nationally Determined Contribution" (INDC) in 2015 set net greenhouse gas emissions in 2030 as business as usual (BAU) reduced by 50%, which is equivalent to a reduction of 20% with 2005 as the reference year for emissions. Later, according to the 2021 COP26's Glasgow Climate Pact, to reinforce Taiwan's ambition and goals, the NDC was updated in 2022, changing 2030 reduction goals to 24±1% of reference year (2005) emissions. According to Common But Differentiated Responsibilities as put forth in Article 3 of the Climate Convention, Taiwan has launched its ambition to increase reductions and strives to attain Net Zero Emissions by 2050 goals.

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