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Climate Change Terms

As the impact of extreme climate increases around the globe, countries around the world have proposed various climate actions to reduce the loss of life and property. Climate change has thus become a universal language. Considering the increase of climate change-related issues, the international community has also proposed many new carbon reduction technologies and adaptation capability-enhancing methods.

To increase national uniformity and enhance industry, government, and academia's understanding of climate change terms, the Administration has created the “Climate Change Term Handbook” (hereinafter referred to as “the Handbook”) for the reference of various sectors.

The Handbook covers terms related to climate change issues, categorizing and organizing them in alphabetical order. It is composed of three sections: terms in English, in Chinese, and their definitions. The contents include terms from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Paris Agreement, and issues such as net zero emissions, greenhouse gas reduction, inventorying, verification, and climate change adaptation. Terms are also included with reference to Taiwan's “Climate Change Response Act” and to terms proposed by international organizations such as the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and European Commission.

Adaptation 氣候變遷調適
Adaptation gap 調適缺口
Adaptation pathways 調適路徑
Additionality 外加性
Aerosol 氣膠
指懸浮在空氣中的固體或液體顆粒,其大小界於幾奈米(nm)至10微米(μm)之間,並停滯於大氣中數個小時。氣膠分為自然與人為這兩類來源依據,且會透過多種形式影響氣候,如透過散射或吸收輻射、雲微觀物理學和其他雲特性的相互作用,或在積雪或冰覆蓋的表面上沉積,因而改變它們的反照率,並促進氣候反饋。但不論是自然或人為所產生的氣膠,皆起源自兩種不同的路徑: 初級顆粒物(Particulate Matter, PM)的排放與氣態前驅物(Precursors)形成次級顆粒物(PM),此時的氣溶膠生產大部分源於自然。 由化學成分所組成,即海鹽、有機碳、黑碳、礦物種類(主要是沙漠塵埃、硫酸鹽、硝酸鹽與銨),但這些成分組成並不完善,因氣膠將這些顆粒結合起來形成複雜的混合物。
Afforestation 造林
Annex I Parties 附件一締約方
「聯合國氣候變化綱要公約(The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC)將締約方國家進行分類以區分不同義務,其中附件一締約方包括:1992年加入經濟合作與發展組織(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD)之工業化國家,及經濟轉型國家(Economies in Transition, EIT),即前蘇聯為主的國家包含:俄羅斯聯邦、波羅的海國家及幾個中、東歐洲國家。
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