Climate Change Terms

As the impact of extreme climate increases around the globe, countries around the world have proposed various climate actions to reduce the loss of life and property. Climate change has thus become a universal language. Considering the increase of climate change-related issues, the international community has also proposed many new carbon reduction technologies and adaptation capability-enhancing methods.
To increase national uniformity and enhance industry, government, and academia's understanding of climate change terms, the Administration has created the “Climate Change Term Handbook” (hereinafter referred to as “the Handbook”) for the reference of various sectors.
The Handbook covers terms related to climate change issues, categorizing and organizing them in alphabetical order. It is composed of three sections: terms in English, in Chinese, and their definitions. The contents include terms from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Paris Agreement, and issues such as net zero emissions, greenhouse gas reduction, inventorying, verification, and climate change adaptation. Terms are also included with reference to Taiwan's “Climate Change Response Act” and to terms proposed by international organizations such as the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and European Commission.