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In response to global climate change, to declare Taiwan's willingness to shoulder the shared responsibility of protecting Earth's environment and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and to regulate inter-ministerial efforts in promoting greenhouse gas reduction mechanisms with the rule of law, the "Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act" ("GHG Management Act") was promulgated by the President on July 1, 2015.

Climate change is a global challenge that all humans face. As climate change becomes increasingly severe, to accelerate Taiwan's national emission reduction and reinforce Taiwan's ability to respond to climate change, the EPA proposed the "Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act" amendment bill, amending its name to "Climate Change Response Act" (also known as the "Climate Act"). The bill was passed by the Executive Yuan on April 21, 2022 and submitted to the Legislative Yuan for review. It was passed by the Legislative Yuan on Jan. 10, 2023 and promulgated by the President on Feb. 15, 2023.

The "Climate Change Response Act" consists of seven chapters and 63 articles. The amendment included the Net Zero by 2050 goal, established ministerial responsibilities and authorities, added just transition, strengthened emission control and incentives to encourage emission reduction, dedicated uses for carbon fees collected, added a chapter on climate change adaptation, included carbon footprint and product labeling, and reinforced transparency and civic engagement mechanisms.

Executive Yuan passes "Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act" amendment to "Climate Change Response Act," reinforcing climate regulations' legal basis (April 21, 2022)
Legislative Yuan passes amendment for "Climate Change Response Act," initiating implementation of net zero emissions (Jan. 10, 2023)
President promulgates change of act name from "Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act" to "Climate Change Response Act" and amendments (Feb. 15, 2023)

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