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Climate change adaptation and resilience
  • National Climate Change Adaptation Actions

    Taiwan's climate change adaptation is led by the "National Climate Change Action Guidelines" and refers to scientific reports on climate change provided by the National Science and Technology Council. The MOENV proposed for the approval of the Executive Yuan the "National Climate Adaptation Action Plan (2023-2026)," which includes the seven areas of capability building, infrastructure, water resource, land use, coastal and marine environment, energy supply and industry, agricultural production and biodiversity, and public health. Through consolidated lateral, inter-ministerial efforts, the government aims to enhance Taiwan's overall ability to adapt to climate change and maximize policy implementation results.

  • Local adaptation implementation program

    Special municipality, county and city authorities shall follow the Action Guidelines, National Adaptation Program, and Adaptation Action Program and invite relevant agencies, academics, experts, and organizations to attend panels or use other appropriate methods to collect opinions and create or amend climate change adaptation implement programs (hereinafter referred to as "adaptation implementation programs"). The programs shall be submitted to climate change adaptation committees in each special municipality, county, and city, which will report to the central competent authority in consultation with central industry competent authorities for approval. Once approved, the programs shall be implemented and published.

    Special municipality, county, and city authorities shall produce adaptation implementation program performance reports yearly, which shall be submitted to local climate change adaptation committees and published.

  • Adaptation Communication

    During COP26, a resolution was made according to resolution 9/CMA.1 for signing parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to submit adaptation communications between Nov. 6 and 18, 2022, providing updated information for global stocktaking and to establish the Global Gaol on Adaptation. While Taiwan was not a signing party, to fulfill its climate change adaptation duties, an adaptation communication was prepared within the designated time frame (as attached below) for review.

    The communication consists of the five chapters, "National Conditions," "Impact, Adaptation, and Vulnerability," "Institutional and Legal Framework to Implement Climate Change Adaptation," "Climate Adaptation Measures and Achievements," and "International Cooperation." The chapters sum up Taiwan's climate change research results and eight areas of the "National Climate Adaptation Action Plan" (disaster, infrastructure, water resource, land use, coastal and marine environment, energy supply and industry, agricultural production and biodiversity, and public health), capability building results, and climate change international cooperation cases (including with Belize, Saint Kitts and Nevis, and Honduras.)

  • Promotion of resilience and adaptation measures

    To develop adaptation resilience facilities, the concept of sponge cities was adopted with a focus on local areas. Small-scale demonstration facilities for water retention and cooling were built. Through the construction of multifunctional smart rain gardens and the use of natural methods, the microclimate in the area was adjusted, flooding problems were improved, and ecological education was provided. More information on adaptation resilience facilities can be found on the "Water Retention and Cooling Monitoring System Platform".

  • Low-carbon sustainable homeland

    To raise public awareness of climate change mitigation and reduce greenhouse gas emissions through everyday activities, the government develops low-carbon sustainable homes to encourage citizens to take action in reducing carbon dioxide emissions in their daily lives, reinforcing education through practical exercises and enhancing the nation's overall climate change knowledge.Through the promotion of a level-assessment certification system, the government provides guidance for three administrative division categories villages (boroughs), townships (districts), as well as special municipalities, counties, and cities to participate in low-carbon action or measure implementation, then gives awards according to performance to encourage citizens' active participation in low-carbon activities. More information on low-carbon sustainable homeland policies is available on the Low Carbon Sustainable Information System.

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