Press Releases
2024-10-23Taiwan's Ministry of Environment Announces “Fee-Charging Rates of Carbon Fees”
2024-09-12Taiwan's Ministry of Environment announces three Carbon Fee regulations, officially ushering in the era of carbon pricing
2024-07-12Ministry of Environment announces latest national greenhouse gas inventory Greenhouse gases will still be on the rise after the global pandemic in 2022, but Taiwan's greenhouse gas emissions will be on the decline
2024-05-14Climate Info Hub Launched on Earth Day
2024-05-09Taiwan's Ministry of Environment releases 3 drafts of the carbon fee regulations
2023-12-29Revised Enforcement Rules of "Climate Change Response Act" Announced
2023-12-06Revised Regulations Announced to Enhance Emission Certification and Inspection Capacities
2023-12-06Important Regulations Announced to Ready Taiwan for Carbon Pricing Era
2023-12-06Power Generators and Large Manufacturers Targeted for Carbon Fee Collection for Now
2023-12-06Carbon Pricing System Ready to Launch with Diverse Tools to Promote Effective Carbon Reduction
2023-12-06Venous Industry Assisted in Conducting Carbon Inventory to Raise Competitiveness
2023-12-05Taiwan's Emissions Increase Slightly in 2021, Well Below 2007 Peak
2023-12-05Enterprises Urged to Reduce Emissions Ahead of Carbon Fee Collection in 2024
2023-11-06Opinions Collected on Draft Climate Adaptation Plans
2023-10-25New National Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan approved to mitigate impact of climate change