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Since 2002, Taiwan has continued to follow the international standards recognized by the UNFCCC and published the National Communication, the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report, and the Intended Nationally Determined Contribution.

Update of Taiwan's NDC

Taiwan's nationally determined contribution is based on its 2015 INDC, which set a target to reduce net emission by 20% reduction against the reference year (2005) by 2030. The updated nationally determined contribution (NDC) aims to enhance the reduction target further to 23-25% by 2030, with reference to Article 3 of the Paris Agreement (common but differentiated responsibilities) ensure a basis to strengthen reduction ambitions, and endeavor to reach the net-zero emission goal by 2050.

Taiwan INDC

The Republic of China (Taiwan) supports the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and is committed to communicating its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC), following the common but differentiated responsibility under the national circumstance for the objective in Article 2 of the Convention.

National Inventory Report

The National Inventory Report of the Republic of China (Taiwan) carried out the statistics and compilation in accordance with the 2006 IPCC Guidelines and the 2019 IPCC Refinement Guidelines, where the Refinement methodology are more applicable, to actively demonstrate the efforts and resolution to abide by the convention. The National Inventory Report (NIR) was firstly published in 2014 and updated annually. Taiwan has established a greenhouse gas inventory database covering the period from 1990 to 2022 in the NIR 2024. The database provides an overview of greenhouse gas inventory statistics to reflect the GHG trends in Taiwan.

National Inventory Report
National Communication

Taiwan has submitted the 2002 and 2011 editions of the National Communication successively, and issued the "2018 National Communications of the Republic of China (Taiwan)" under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Management Act, fulfilling the requirement to prepare a National Communication every three years.

By compiling and releasing the "2021 National Communication of the Republic of China (Taiwan)", we not only echo the spirit of transparency reinforced by the Paris Agreement, but also wish to share with the world the results of Taiwan's proactive response to the global climate emergency challenge, and to thank all sectors in Taiwan for their long-standing concern and participation in climate action. In the future, Taiwan will continue to contribute to global climate action with the spirit of "Taiwan Can Help".

Executive Summary of National Communication 2021
National Communication 2018
Adaptation Communication

The 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) Resolution 9/CMA.1 invites parties that have not yet submitted an Adaptation Communication (ADCOM) to do so by COP27 (November 6-18, 2022), in order to provide timely information for the Global Stocktake and facilitate the setting of Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA). Although the Republic of China (Taiwan) is not a party, in response to the call of the UNFCCC resolution, we have prepared the Adaptation Communication before the due date as follows, for the reference of our domestic and international counterparts.​

This adaptation communication includes 5 chapters: "National Conditions", "Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability", " Institutional and Legal Framework to Implement Climate Change Adaptation ", " Climate Adaptation Measures and Achievements " and "International Cooperation", which summarizes Taiwan's climate change scientific research on change, eight major areas of the National Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan (disasters, critical infrastructures, water resources, land use, oceans and coasts, energy supply and industry, agricultural production and biodiversity, health) and capacity building implementation results , international cooperation cases on climate change (including Belize, St. Kitts and Nevis, Honduras and other countries).

The National Human Rights Action Plan

The Executive Yuan launched Taiwan's first National Human Rights Action Plan (2022-2024) on May 5, 2022. The plan represents Taiwan's progress, commitments, and efforts to promote and protect human rights to 2024. Focusing on eight priority human rights issues that include "strengthening human rights protection," "human rights education," "equality and non-discrimination," "enhancing protections of the right to life," "housing justice," and "climate change and human rights," "digital human rights," and "refugee rights and protection".

Considering the environment is inextricable with human rights, the UN adopted 16 Framework Principles on Human Rights and the Environment, which clearly stated that countries have basic obligations to enable people to enjoy a clean, healthy and sustainable environment in accordance with the human rights law. Therefore, the inclusion of "climate change and human rights" issue in this action plan not only pledges to the international community that Taiwan will take on its responsibility, but also conforms to the international trend of emerging human rights issues.

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