Net-Zero Pathway and Key Strategies
Considering that the trend for net zero emissions has emerged in recent years, in March 2022 Taiwan announced the "Overall Explanation of Taiwan's Net Zero by 2050 Pathways and Strategies," which provides a net zero track and action roadmap for up until 2050, guiding industries' green transition by facilitating research and technological development in key areas with the aim to bring about a bout of economic growth. The government looks forward to facilitating green financing and increased investments at various milestones while ensuring justice and smooth transitions. Taiwan's Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Route is marked by energy, industry, lifestyle, and social transitions and governance facets of technological development and climate regulation, which are supported by 12 Key Strategies. Action plans are formulated for major fields expected to grow under energy, industry, and lifestyle transition policies to attain net zero transition goals.
- Data Source: Climate Change Administration
- Publish Date:2024-01-11
- Update Date: 2024-03-18