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The "12 Key Strategies" Action Plan is Announced to Fully Promote 2050 Net-Zero Transition Goals

Kung Ming-hsin, Minister of the National Development Council, together with the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Financial Supervisory Commission, Ministry of Labor, Ministry of the Interior, National Science and Technology Council, and Council of Agriculture, attended the “Milestones and Key Strategies of Net-Zero Transitions” press conference today (28th). The 2030 milestones of Taiwan's net zero transitions were officially announced and the specific actions and measures for the 12 key strategies were explained. Minister Kung stated that the mid-to-long-term projects submitted by the central govenment agencies in the future should include net-zero and sustainable consideration and plans. In addition, he announced new plans to help small and medium enterprises implement net-zero transitions. He emphasized that the 2050 Net-Zero Emission Plan is Taiwan's longest inter-ministerial national development plan. Communication with different sectors will continue to seek better practices and actions.

Since the president announced the 2050 Net-Zero Transion goal on Earth Day 2021, the government has continued to implement policy planning and announced the “Taiwan's Pathway to Net-Zero Emissions in 2050” at the end of March this year. The four transition strategies of “Energy Transitions”, “Industrial Transitions”, “Lifestyle Transitions”, and “Social Transitions” as well as two governance foundations of “Technology R&D” and “Climate Legislation” were defined to implement Taiwan's net-zero transitions. According to the direction of the net-zero Pathway, Taiwan government completed the “12 Key Strategies” action plan through months of cooperation and over 50 social meetings and seminars for opinion exchanges, so as to implement various transitions through practical actions. Besides, Taiwan government simultaneously reviewed the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to implement various transitions through practical actions.

Regarding the planning of the national long-term carbon reduction pathway, in response to the 2021 COP26 Glasgow Climate Pact and the 2022 COP27 Sharm el-Sheikh Implementation Plan urging countries to strengthen reduction goals, Taiwan plans to increase the 2030 carbon reduction goal of 20% compared to the base period of 2005 to 24%±1%. Furthermore, to accelerate its carbon reduction rate, Taiwan will increase the capacity of renewable energy devices through investments by the “12 Key Strategies”. Together with the construction of electrical systems and energy storage equipment, the use of renewable energies will be hopefully expanded. On the other hand, the benefits of energy conservation actions will be actively expanded, companies will be encouraged to invest in carbon reduction actions, and electrifying transportation will be further promoted. The government is dedicated to realizing transitions in industries and in lifestyles, maximizing the carbon reduction effects before 2030.

In terms of forward-looking and emerging carbon reduction technologies, the government has invested in hydrogen energy, geothermal energy, ocean energy, biomass energy, and other renewable energies to decarbonize power sources through diversification. At the same time, the government has invested in the research and development of natural carbon sinks and negative emissions technologies. It plans to offset hard-to-reduce carbon emissions through natural channels, such as forests, soil, and the ocean, and carbon capture, utilization, storage technologies.

However, relying solely on existing technologies is insufficient to achieve the 2050 Net-Zero Transition Goal. Therefore, the government plans to promote net-zero technology solutions, investing in five fields including sustainable and forward-looking energies, low carbon (carbon reducing) technologies, negative carbon technologies, recycling, and humanities and social sciences, in order to strengthen Taiwan's net-zero capabilities. Moreover, in terms of climate legislation, apart from the ongoing amendments to the “Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act” and “Renewable Energy Development Act”, the government will continue to review and amend the laws and regulations related to the Energy Administration Act, in order to satisfy net-zero transition needs.

Through the implementation of the “12 Key Strategies”, Taiwan will be able to reduce carbon emissions by 72 to 76 million tons, which is equivalent to 29% of carbon emissions in 2020, and create massive business opportunities. The plan is expected to attract over NT$4 trillion in private investments and create NT$5.9 trillion in industry production value from 2023 to 2030. It is also expected to create 551,000 jobs related to net-zero transitions, helping to form the supply chains for solar power, wind power, electric vehicles, and energy storage equipment in Taiwan. Energy savings will drive production improvements in the 6 major industries, replacement of household and commercial equipment, and introduction of energy management systems. These improvements are expected to create NT$550 billion in related industry production value.

However, it is inevitable to face challenges and difficulties on the way of transition. The government will act as the support to enterprises, especially in the provision of sufficient resources and assistance to a wide range of small and medium enterprises. To this end, the government will work hand in hand with industry associations. State-owned enterprises will lead by example and adopt the model that the major take the lead, then help the others comply with transition policies, so as to gradually implement transitions for small and medium enterprises, and help them meet the carbon reduction requirements of their supply chains.

Minister Kung mentioned that the Environmental Protection Administration announced the “Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory Guidelines” this year. Small and medium enterprises can use online tool to calculate their emissions and gain a preliminary understanding of their carbon footprints. In the future, the advisory group, formed by the Environmental Protection Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs, and industry associations, will enhance their service capacity and help small and medium enterprises understand the smart and low carbon (net zero) technologies or services they need through enterprise diagnostics. Furthermore, the government will strengthen carbon reduction assistance for small and medium enterprises. The government aims to support the transition and upgrade of Taiwan's small and medium enterprises, helping Taiwan's industries seize business opportunities and showing the government's determination to “leaving no one behind” in net-zero transitions.

Minister Kung also mentioned that as the agency in charge of planning, reviewing, and managing national developments, National Development Council will fulfill its responsibilities in future net-zero transitions. The Council will review whether the mid-to-long-term projects submitted by the central government agencies, including public construction, social development, and the construction of public buildings, and make sure all the projects adopt net-zero and sustainable planning, so as to encourage the ministries to invest in net-zero transitions first.

Minister Kung stated net-zero by 2050 is Taiwan's longest ever, inter-ministerial national development plan. There is no ultimate solution for net-zero, only better solutions. The attention from and the importance placed by different sectors are the sources of the government's confidence in fulfilling the goals. The announcement of the “12 Key Strategies” action plan symbolizes that Taiwan has made stable steps towards net zero. The government will use the plan as the basis for dialogue and continue to communicate with the various areas of society, in order to find better solutions and implement specific actions. By implementing the action plan, we hope that we can leave a better living environment and industry development opportunities for the next generation

Contact Person: Wu Ming-Hui, Director General, Department of Economic Development
Office Tel: (02)2316-5851

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